Surrender - My Mind is a Garden Series

16x20 textured painting on canvas. From the My Mind is a Garden series.
Surrender is a verb, it often seems like a passive choice but it’s so often a movement, a belief and a breath in the body that cultivates peace, beauty and deep faith even when things look unfinished, chaotic or imperfect.
It’s the knowing that there is an inner power that we have access too, a connection to beauty and magic in the universe that sometimes comes by way of sheer stubbornness. By way of practicing pleasure and knowing beauty and good things are meant for us because we feel them, we seek them out.
We plant seeds and water those blooms that are beautiful. We let surrender leave a mark on us, it isn’t that life will always be easy, but it’s our determination to make it something wildly ecstatic and worthwhile through it all. To choose to let it be easy when we can. To surrender to being held and loved and supported.
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