1:1 Coaching
4 weeks| $999
You have such a passion for your creative work, for your calling. Your dreams give you goosebumps, you have an incredible vision for the way you want to feel and create and live. But....Doubt keeps getting in the way. You keep getting stuck in the spiral of doubting your ability to create, to sell, to speak or show up in the most confident, powerful way. You let your consistency slide, you know you are capable and you have had some success but when life gets hard it feels like you play small or pull back. It feels like one step forward, two steps back. Frustration, stagnant, knowing you are meant for more.You know that Who you are is going to impact what you create and how you share it. It's time to leave behind old ideas of starving or struggling artist for thriving artist, well paid artist, joyful artist, successful artist. You get to decide what Success means for you.You’re ready to expand your knowledge, learn actual real time techniques to shift your anxiety, change your thoughts and build new beliefs in your body. You know it’s not just what you’re thinking - it’s about what you feel in your body. You are ready to Actually change your identity, who you believe yourself to be, to step into the power you can feel underneath it all.That inner voice that has always led you is ready to be even more clear, you’re ready not just to talk about what’s holding you back but to actually let go of the story in your body so you can focus on the future. On your pleasure and your joy in living your life.You’re ready to get clear on your vision, get clear on the steps you want to take daily, weekly, monthly to create what you want. You’re ready to fully own the responsibility of being a powerful creator. That you have dreams that are ready for the world, that your art is of value and you want to be seen and known for it.You know you’re meant for more. And you’re ready to create it.
Coaching includes 4 weekly zoom calls plus weekly support and journal prompts.
Are you ready?
Let's work together - Apply for Coaching here
What people are saying about working together:
"You provided clarity and reassurance in an unsure and changing time in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" - Rachel
"Savana was amazing! My experience with her was nothing short of magical. Savana is warm and kind, you'll feel right at home. Her insight was dead on. I would highly recommend her and I will be back for more!" -Jessica
"I am no longer in the 'sales' mindset where I should be pushing people to buy from me. I realized that my job is to present my work in the best way I can for the people who will be attracted to it. I know that your guidance helped me tremendously come to this conclusion." - Noemi
"Oh wow!! I don't even have words!! So so SO much of what yousaid makes the most sense!! You are so amazing to pull so much insight. I have literally said I feel like a chameleon. I feel like digging into my HD is goin to hold a lot of confirmation for me. Thank you so much for helping me get started!" - Tiffany